Since its inception in 2010, the Tequila Interchange Project (TIP) has united individuals to advocate for the preservation of sustainable, traditional and quality practices in the tequila and mezcal industry. Whether acting as liaisons between consumers, producers and the Consejo Regulador del Tequila/Mezcal (Tequila and/or Mezcal Regulatory Councils), sharing ideas about how to mix tequila and mezcal cocktails with the bartenders of Guadalajara, or presenting seminars on topics ranging from sustainable spirits to the history of distillation in Meso-America, TIP utilizes the diverse strengths of its members to engage a broad audience in the history and culture of Mexico’s noble spirit.


The Tequila Interchange Project is working to expand the resources available to both hospitality professionals and enthusiasts by facilitating the translation of academic works, sponsoring new research projects, and making this information easily accessible. We do this because we like to drink tequila as much as we like to talk about it! Watch for our events throughout the country for opportunities to imbibe for this noble cause.